The Huntington Meadow Stable Summer Horsemanship Program is open to children
eight-years-old and up. The program is designed for those interested in horseback riding and in the proper care of horses.
This Summer Horsemanship Program is held at Huntington Meadow Stables, 1188 Salt Road in Penfield. We offer two one-week, full-day sessions, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, and two one-week, half-day sessions, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. Well-trained instructors and school horses from Huntington Meadow Stables are used for this program that explores a wide range of horse and horse care topics. The stable has indoor and outdoor riding rings, and stabling for the horses. A separate classroom building with refrigerator is our main headquarters.
In the riding program we put emphasis on rider responsibility and safe horsemanship. Hard shoes and long pants are necessary, and hard hats (with a harness) will be required for riding. A typical day includes a class meeting, a stable management session, a snack, a riding lesson, lunch*, demonstrations, and work sessions. (Snack and lunch* supplied from home.)
For further information, please call or text
Terese Bouchard at 585-746-3722, or emai